Delivery Details

Customer satisfaction being our priority, we guarantee the receipt of each of your orders within a deadline.
We currently serve France , Belgium , Spain , Italy , Luxembourg , Portugal and our packages are shipped between 5 and 7 working days . However, order preparation can take up to 10 days if there are re-stocking issues for popular items, pre-order items or related to exceptional events such as COVID-19 or during peak periods such as Christmas and the holidays. .
Delivery costs are up to € 8 including tax , regardless of the size or weight of the package.
Customers domiciled in France will receive their package at home, while customers domiciled in Europe will receive their package by Relay.

© Lollipop Corner reserves the right to carry out checks on orders placed by its customers, in order to meet its obligations in the fight against fraud and money laundering. We may ask the customer to provide any document attesting to the reality of his identity and his domicile. As part of a control carried out, no order will be processed without receipt of the supporting documents requested.
We also reserve the right to cancel any order if the customer does not respond or provide the requested documents.
We will then refund the sums paid by the customer under thirty from the notification of the refusal to process the order.