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vigilante - my hero
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Being a hero is a real job. There are rules to follow, and not everyone is officially accredited. However, some decide to play off limits and fight for justice ... without any qualification! They are called vigilantes and, in the eyes of the law, they are no better than the villains!
Koichi, a young student fan of All Might, the most powerful of heroes, falls into this category. He uses his sliding power to help around him: pick up trash, help passers-by with their groceries ... It all starts with a good feeling and, yet, his activities are illegal as soon as he uses his Quirk. without authorization on the public highway.
Her sense of justice leads her to form an unlikely team with a big, sturdy fan of fights and a young singer eager for glory ... Together, they launch an attack on a drug trafficking with destructive effects . But where the heroes act while respecting the law, for the vigilantes, only one motto: the end justifies the means!

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4 octobre 2021 à 06:57:34

Très sympa 😀


4 octobre 2021 à 06:56:42



4 octobre 2021 à 06:56:07

dernier arc pas fou et un peu trop long

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